By EMDG on Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Category: Latest News

2021 EMDG membership subscriptions

PLEASE HELP US from your Secretary and Treasurer: It is coming up to that time of year when subs will start to come in for 2021. PLEASE PLEASE if you pay via standing order you check the amount that is due to be paid. The subs were raised on 1.1.2020 to £25 due to an increase in costs paid to the BRC. Even though we endeavoured to inform people via email, post, Facebook, website, an inordinate amount still paid the previous amount of £20. This has proved an EXTREMELY (yes shouty capitals) time consuming task for myself and Mark to go through the banking transactions and decipher the payments. Often the names on the payment do not match the EMDG member's name. Your cooperation would be most grateful. Liz and Mark